Global Settings

These are all of the configuration options for Global Settings.


This is some general settings that will be used regardless of which config is loaded.

  • allow_insecure_connections

Setting this to true will allow the program to connect to websites without ssl (insecurely).

  • user_agent

The user agent is the signature of your browser, it's how it is represented to websites you connect to. You can google "what is my user agent" to see what yours may be.

  • proxy

The proxy you want CDL to utilize. Ex. https://user:pass@ip:port

  • flaresolverr

The IP for flaresolverr you want CDL to utilize. Ex. ip:port

CDL will fill the rest of the URL.

  • max_file_name_length

This is the maximum number of characters allowable in a filename.

  • max_folder_name_length

This is the maximum number of characters allowable in a folder name.

  • required_free_space

This is the amount of free space in gigabytes that the program will stop initiating downloads at.

Rate Limiting Options

These are limiting options for the program.

  • connection_timeout

The number of seconds to wait while connecting to a website before timing out.

  • download_attempts

The number of download attempts per file. Regardless of this value, some conditions (such as a 404 HTTP status) will cause a file to not be retried at all.

  • read_timeout

The number of seconds to wait while reading data from a website before timing out. If it's a download, it will be retried and won't count against the download_attempts limit.

  • rate_limit

This is the maximum number of requests that can be made by the program per second.

  • download_delay

This is the number of seconds to wait between downloads to the same domain.

Some domains have internal limits set by the program, such as Bunkrr, CyberFile, etc.

  • max_simultaneous_downloads

This is the maximum number of files that can be downloaded simultaneously.

  • max_simultaneous_downloads_per_domain

This is the maximum number of files that can be downloaded from a single domain simultaneously.

Some domains have internal limits set by the program, such as Bunkrr, CyberFile, etc.

UI Options

These are the options for controlling the UI of the program

  • downloading_item_limit

This is the limit on the number of items shown in the UI (while downloading) before they are simply added to the overflow number ("and X other files")

  • refresh_rate

This is the refresh rate per second for the UI.

  • scraping_item_limit

This is the limit on the number of items shown in the UI (while scraping) before they are simply added to the overflow number ("and X other links")

  • vi_mode

This enables vi/vim keybinds while editing/entering text in CDL.

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