Cyberdrop-DL Install - Easy

This is the easiest method for getting Cyberdrop-DL going!

I've created some start files that will automatically install, update and run Cyberdrop-DL

You can download them here:

You'll want to download the `` you don't need to worry about the rest of them.

Extract the contents of that folder to wherever you would like Cyberdrop-DL to run, and download files.

The contents will include a start file for: Windows, Mac, and Linux.

If you are on windows you can just open the start file, and it'll do the rest. Don't run it as admin.

If you're on Linux you should also just be able to open the start file.

In some very rare cases, mac users may need to run this additional command first:

xcode-select --install

But you should also just be able to open the file and it'll handle the rest.

Last updated