Python Install - Mac

Here's the gist on how to handle python on Mac

Luckily for all of you mac users out there, it's quite simple!

Open up a terminal and type the following:

python3 --version

If you get a version number that's 3.11 or greater, you're already set!

If you get an error when typing that in, you can do the following.

Open up terminal again (or use the same window), and type the following:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

The above command will install homebrew! Which is a very convenient tool for installing software on macs.

After that finishes, restart your computer, and open up a new terminal window. You can then run these commands and brew will do the heavy lifting.

brew install python3
brew link python3

After that (assuming no errors), you're set! You can continue with the quick start guide.

Last updated